Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Who's holding your arms up?

Maybe you know the story. Maybe you don't. But in a nutshell, Exodus chapter 17 tells us a fantastic story about the power of God given friendship.

The chosen people of God were roaming around in the dessert. And up until the time of this particular story, they hadn't faced any opposition in the way of people. So now they have this encounter with the Amalekites, a group of roaming raiders that attacked them. Now the battle was on!!

Moses, their leader, stood on a hill overlooking the battle. And as long as his staff was raised, the Israelites were winning the battle!

But Moses became tired, and he couldn't hold his arms up any longer. And the enemy began to win.

So God sent his friends, Aaron and Hur, to hold his arms up until the battle was won and the victory was The Lords!

Many times we come under the attack of our own pack of raiders. The ones that raid our hearts and our minds and our strength. And for a while we may be able to hold up the staff and be winning the battle! But because we are human, we will begin to grow weary. And that's when God sends us some friends to hold up our arms!

When we think of Moses in The Bible we often only see the might of the things he did. The leading out of Egypt, the parting of the Red Sea, the Ten Commandments. But Moses had to step into another arena. He had to realize he was human and needed help. He had to allow his friends to hold up his arms.

The same is true for us today. We experience God in a mighty way, He calls us and we obey. We are used by Him in mighty ways! And after we have basked in His presence and all of His goodness, the enemy attacks.
And God sends us a group of friends to hold up our arms until the victory is won!

To my arm holding friends, you know who you are. And I am daily thankful for you!

To those of you that are reading these words, "Who is holding up your arms???"


  1. Great point! I know I have feeling a little bit of this at times throughout the past year. As His Body we are meant to work together and need each other, and I think sometimes we can forget that!

  2. greatly written Renae & so true!!!
